What's New as of November 27, 2014:

[ Gif89a Slideshow ]
Model Road# Photographer Collection of Location Date Notes

ES44C4 BNSF 8065 Charles Biel Charles Biel Chillicothe, TX 11/27/2014
ES44AC BNSF 6239 Charles Biel Charles Biel Clarendon, TX 11/27/2014
ES44DC BNSF 7913 Charles Biel Charles Biel Claude, TX 11/27/2014
ES44AC BNSF 6404 Charles Biel Charles Biel Amarillo, TX 11/27/2014
ES44AC BNSF 6009 Charles Biel Charles Biel Amarillo, TX 11/27/2014

Message of the day!

Last updated: 11/27/2014
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